flooding in in Macedonia

The Macedonian authorities will soon launch an operation to examine the soil in flooded regions and find out whether the soil has been contaminated or not.

The operation will be launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, local media reported Friday citing deputy Minister of Agriculture Vanco Kostadinovski.

According to the deputy minister, soil samples will be sent for analysis in laboratories and for 10 days Macedonian authorities will know whether farmers will be able to plant and use their lands again.

After completion of the analysis of samples taken according to microbiological and agrochemical analysis methodology of the soil, the experts will prepare a report and assessment of the current state of the soil.

But, if the soil is contaminated, the Macedonian government is expected to undertake measures to return to its previous condition before the devastating floods that hit several villages of Macedonia on Aug. 6, leaving at least 21 people dead and thousands of houses destroyed.

Source : XINHUA