heath Land.

Low rainfall in the coming short rainy season is expected to affect Kenya's agricultural production, the weatherman said on Monday.

Acting Director of the Meteorological Services Peter Ambenje told a media briefing in Nairobi that the October to December rainfall is expected to be poorly distributed both in time and space.

He noted that between September and the end of the year, only the month of November will experience good rainfall.

"Farmers are therefore advised to liaise with the Ministry of Agriculture in order to make the best use of the rains by planting appropriate crops," Ambenje said.

"Foliage and pasture conditions in the pastoral areas of Northeastern, Northwestern and Southeastern Kenya are also expected to deteriorate as a result of poor rainfall performance," he said.

He urged pastoralists to work closely with government authorities in order to avoid loss of animals due to prolonged drought.

Ambenje, who is also Kenya's Permanent Representative to the World Meteorological Organization, said the rainfall deficit will also affect supply of water to urban areas.

"We urge relevant authorities to manage water resources to ensure smooth flow of domestic water supply to urban areas in order to reduce likelihood of diseases caused by poor hygiene," Ambenje said.

Source : XINHUA