Potable Water Supply project

The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) inked an agreement with Tanzania to assist the financing of the Potable Water Supply in the districts of Same and Mwanga Project with a KD 10 million (USD 34 million) loan.
In a press statement issued Saturday, the KFAED said that the loan agreement was signed by Dr. Servacius Likwelile, permanent Secretary Treasury at the Tanzanian Finance Ministry, and KFAED Director General Abdulwahab Al-Bader.
The project aims at supporting the socio-economic development in districts Same and Mwanga in Kilimanjaro Region through improving the health conditions of the people of Same and Mwanga cities and other villages by providing safe potable water to the local populations.
Most and foremost, the project is considered a Rights Bases Projcet seeking to achieve the right to "Access to Clean Drinking Water", which is one of the basic human rights.
The project encompasses the civil and electrochemical works required for developing the potable water supply system for the project area.
It includes a raw water intake, pumping station and transmission pipeline, water treatment facility, treated water transmission pipelines, potable water storage reservoirs, booster pumping station, and distribution networks, ancillaries and complementary work, in addition to institutional support and land acquisition.
Moreover, the project includes the consultancy services for the preparation of detailed engineering designs and tender documents, updating the technical and economic feasibility study, and consecution supervision.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.
The total cost of the project is estimated at about KD 52.05 million, of which about KD 28.96 million is in foreign exchange, which represents about 55.6 percent of the total coast of the project.
The fund's loan will cover about 19.21 percent of the total cost of the project.
It is also expected that the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) will assist in the financing of the project with two loans in total value of USD 22 million, which will cover about 12.43 percent of the total coast of project.
The OPEC Fund for International Development will also assist in the financing of the project with two loans.