
-- A heavy downpour that has been witnessed in the Guinean capital, Conakry, since Tuesday night, caused flooding in certain parts of the city, including the Central Business District of Kaloum, sources said Wednesday.

The heavy rains have made it difficult to drive across the city. The challenge is also being felt by motorcycle riders who are commonly used for provision of transport services in the Guinean capital.

The floods were caused by a blocked drainage system that has prevented water to flow towards the ocean.

Normally, the Guinean capital where management of solid waste constitutes a headache for the authorities, faces numerous challenges during the rainy season.

On Wednesday, the floods caused monstrous traffic jams in Conakry.

Due to the situation, Conakry governor Mathurin Bangoura has vowed to make a new dump site operational so that it can receive waste from the city.

The new dump site will be located in Khorira, within Dubreka prefecture, about 70 km from the capital.

It is estimated that the site which sits on a piece of land measuring 60 hectares, will clear the solid waste from Conakry.

source : xinhua