About 300 dolphins in danger of being stranded off Cape Cod in Massachusetts were helped by an animal welfare group, a member said. The International Fund for Animal Welfare was involved in directing the pod of dolphins out of Wellfleet harbor and into the ocean at Herring Cove in Provincetown, The Boston Globe reported. \"With help from the harbor master, we were able to herd them out of the harbor,\" the organization\'s Michael Booth said. He said the process was similar to herding cattle. Five dolphins were rescued from the cape\'s mud flats by the five staff members and 20 volunteers of the group and released after health evaluations were completed. A tracking device was placed on one of the dolphins. Mass stranding of whales and dolphins has occurred at Cape Cod for hundreds of years, most commonly between January and April, but a remarkably large number have already been reported this year, members of the organization said.