A 7-year-old cow-herder was recovering in a Cambodian hospital after a wild leopard attacked him, police said. The boy, Ros Sokhon, was tending to his family\'s cattle with his cousin Friday in Kratie province\'s Sambo district when the leopard pounced, the Phnom Penh Post reported Monday. \"We did not see the wild animal that attacked the cow boy on the brushwood plain, but we think that the wildlife is a leopard because the boys said that it was the size of a dog but its face was like a cat and its coat colored with cluster spots of yellow or fawn and black,\" said Boeung Char commune Police Chief Hon Punlok. He said the boy was recovering at a provincial hospital. \"Luckily I and my husband and some villagers arrived at the place of the attack quickly and I saw my son yelling and his legs and left hand bleeding,\" said Toun Saron, 42, Ros Sokhon\'s mother.