Two people were killed when an elephant went on rampage at Haripur-1 in the Sarlahi district of Nepal, locals said on Sunday. The elephant killed Upendra Mahato, 30, and two-and-half-year- old Hiriya Mahato in the district. Upendra had gone to water his field and slept in the field when the elephant attacked him. Hiriya was attacked and killed outside her house while sleeping. Other members of her family had fled the scene during the attack. \"When we are sitting in front of house, (the) elephant suddenly came and began to attack, we ran away but I failed to rescue my daughter,\" Hiriya Mahato\'s father Nathuni Mahato told Xinhua. Another local Prameshwor Mahato said one people was also injured in the elephant attack. According to local police, four people have died in elephant attack in the district in the past two months.