An unusual two-faced kitten died Thursday two days after its birth in Amity, Ore., in spite of its owner\'s regular feedings with an eyedropper. Stephanie Durkee told KGW-TV the kitten\'s mother had rejected the newborn, refusing to feed it. Durkee, who named the kitten Deucy, said its health deteriorated quickly. The kitten, who had two healthy littermates with normal faces, suffered from a disorder known as diprosopus. Cats with the disorder are also known as Janus Cats after the two-faced Roman god Janus, who also gave his name to the month of January. Durkee\'s veterinarian told The (Portland) Oregonian most kittens born with two faces die soon after birth, although he has heard of a few surviving to be adults. One lived to be 12 years old.