The Parliamentary Division of the Federal National Council, FNC, has participated in the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group and the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Defence and Security Cooperation, as part of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in the Italian capital, Rome.

The event agenda covered a range of topics including the situation in Libya and North Africa, the migration crisis, the situation in Syria and Iraq, the terrorist threat to Europe and the Western Balkans, and countering radicalisation and violent extremism.

Headed by Matar Al Shamsi, Member of the FNC, the parliamentary division's participation involved discussing challenges facing allies and partners, in addition to regional security and political developments under the threat of terrorist militias and the attempts of some countries to impose their ideological and political agendas onto other nations.

The UAE delegations participation reaffirms the FNC's supporting role and adoption of the nation's vision and attitudes towards renouncing violence, and combatting terrorism and extremism globally, as well as enhancing international peace and security. It also highlights the council's keenness to participate in international forums with a direct impact on global events.

One hundred members of parliament from 35 countries have attended the seminar, including MPs from NATO Member and Associate Member States, associated Mediterranean countries, Gulf states and countries on the southern rim of the Mediterranean.