Implementation of First Phase of Cooton cultivation Model Area in Al-Rahad Corporation

The director of the agriculture administration of Al- Rahad Agricultural Corporation, Engingeer, Abdul-Azeem Abdul-Ghani, has announced the completion of implementation of the first phase of the agreement between Sudan and China for the establishment of a model area for the cultivation of cotton in the corporation under supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and the Higher Committee of the Sudanese- Chinese Relations.
The model area includes the cultivation of 10 thousands fedan with cotton in the first section with the intention to expand the area to 30 thousands fedan in the next season and to 50 thousdands fedal to reach 120 thousands fedan. The program will be accomplished by benefiting from Al Rahad research station, the Sudanese Chinese center for the farmers and agricultural engineers training, the rehabilitation of the irrigation system, and to benefit from the qualified cadre of the irrigation engineers under the supervision of the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity, and the Ministry of Finance and National Economy.
Engineer Abdul Ghani explained in statement to SUNA that the agreement has stressed the exchange of modern technologies in the cotton cultivation, marketing and financing, and to be complemented with manufacturing to achieve added value, and raise the farmer's technical and financial capabilities to enhance roles of Al-Rahad Corporation in increasing exports and supporting the national economy with foreign currencies.
