Dubai Municipality’s foodwatch app to ensure food safety during Expo 2020

In order to ensure the safety and quality of imported food during Expo 2020 Dubai, the Dubai Municipality will start food control from the source, prior to the arrival of the foodstuff in the ports of the emirate of Dubai.

It will also link the food import and re-export system to the foodwatch platform, the recently launched interactive smart electronic software, said Sultan Ali Al Tahir, Head of the Food Inspection Section in the Food Safety Department of the Municipality.

He was giving a presentation during the 11th Dubai International Food Safety Conference on food safety challenges, solutions and the preparations of Dubai Municipality for Expo 2020 Dubai.

He said that once the import-export system is linked to the mobile app, foodwatch, the food tracking circle can be completed throughout the food chain. "We can use the smart electronic system to follow the food step by step from the initial stages of production until the arrival on the consumers’ table," said Al Tahir.

Presenting the food safety management strategies of Dubai Municipality and its readiness for Expo 2020, he noted that the major challenges of the Expo called for a radical change in the inspection and control of food establishments, adding that the foodwatch app will enable the inspection device to perform its tasks easily and transparently.

Al Tahir also highlighted other important challenges facing food safety in Dubai that will double during the Expo, which is expected to bring 25 million visitors to the emirate. "The most important challenge is the expected increase in the number of food establishments, which may increase from the current 20,000 to more than 30,000 and the large quantities of food to be imported, which is expected to reach 15 million tonnes a year, in addition to the increase in the number of tourists and visitors, and the diversity of food establishments, which will be accompanied by a diversity of culture of food dealers and other factors that affect the safety of food," he said.

Al Tahir also presented the plans and programmes that will be carried out by the Food Inspection Section to qualify the inspection staff. He also pointed out the completion of the colour-based assessment system.