Proud parents Rami and Circo welcomed a new baby into their family. Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo has announced that a new baby Humboldt Penguin was recently born on site. A new campaign, ‘The Penguin Party\', will put the spotlight on the world of penguins, while celebrating the new arrival until September 21. The penguin chick was born to Rami and Circo, who first made headlines parenting two penguin chicks at the Aquarium and Underwater Zoo in 2011. The Humboldt Penguins, a warm-weather species found on rocky mainland shores and offshore islands of Chile and Peru, were then three years old. Two years later, they have extended their family with one more penguin chick, taking the total number of Humboldt Penguins to 17. The first signs of Circo\'s pregnancy were noted when Rami was seen making nests by moving little rocks around. Qualified keepers, the only people authorised to enter the enclosure, who are familiar with the breeding and dietary habits of Humboldt Penguins, extended a helping hand to Rami by providing wooden branches and rocks. In May 2013, Circo laid the egg. What followed was an intense incubation period, watched over with genuine parental attention by Rami. Around 40 days later, the egg hatched, and the penguin chick was welcomed into the family. Now over 30 days old, having been fed on their mother\'s milk, the penguin chick also has a very concerned and doting father, with Rami offering to feed little fish to him. The young one has also started treading out of the nest, but not afar, and is seen gazing at its wider family, who splash around in the chilled water, feast on fish and delight visitors with their antics. The new-born will continue returning to the nest for 80 days, before venturing out solo, much like his elder siblings. The Humboldt Penguins are medium-sized, growing to about 65-70 centimetres long. They entertain visitors to Underwater Zoo with their tactics of camouflaging themselves in the water, using their white and black body colour. They are also seen constantly engaged in preening their feathers with oil gathered from the preening gland. This keeps the feathers waterproof, insulating the birds from the cold. Gordon White, General Manager of Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo, said: \"The newest addition to our Humboldt Penguin community has been an absolute delight for everyone associated. There is nothing more rewarding than to have our different species expand their family here, a true reflection of how at home they feel in the Underwater Zoo. The parenting roles that Rami and Circo have adopted, their concern for their chick and the response of the rest of the community were endearing.” The Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo is hosting a competition for fans to name Rami and Circo\'s new penguin chick, on their Facebook page.” Souce: Khaleej Times