Mai Chau nestles in the mountainous regions of northern Vietnam, south west of Hanoi in HoaBinhProvince. The valley of Mai Chau is inhabited by a community of one of Vietnam’s 52 minority groups, the White Thai while the upper lands of Mai Chau are inhabited by the H’mong minority group.     This trip offers a great opportunity to explore the outstanding nature beauty and culture richness of Mai Chau, the gate way to the impressive Northwestern area of Vietnam. Trekking tour offers both physical activity and the unique opportunity to observe a way of life that has changed little over the centuries. As trekking in Mai Chau, travellers encounter Muong and White Thai minorities and are guests in their traditional stilt-houses allowing us to see firsthand how these minority peoples live. For more information: Sapa - A Big Challenge for Mt. Fansipan\'s Conquerers At an elevation of 1,600 meters, Sapa is a delightful former French hill station situated in the mountainous region of Vietnam\'s northwest, close to the Chinese border. The region is home to many ethnic minority groups, each wearing traditional and colorful attire. Trekking trip includes a trek through the hills and valleys of the Sapa region, discovering several different minorities along the way. Travelers will experience overnight accommodation in the hospitable villages of Giay and Tay ethnic minorities. The apparent hardships are worth it though as we walk through some of the most spectacular scenery that Vietnam has to offer and experience unique villages culture. At 3143m Mt.Fansipan is the highest peak in Vietnam and the entire Indochina peninsula. This remote trek provides plenty to see and absorb, from the scattered rocks inscribed with drawings and designs of unknown origin, to the French influenced hill retreat town of Sapa with its minority groups, beautiful villas and cherry forests. Our trek to the top of Mt. Fansipan is challenging and will be fully supported every step of the way by our guides, porters and cooks who\'s local knowledge and understanding of the different hill-tribe cultures we pass along the way will add to the uniqueness of this exhilarating journey. Source: TRAVPR