Health and fitness enthusiasts are welcoming a plan to build a new outdooradventure park in Dubai that is designed to put residents through their paces.Scheduled to open later this year, the 2,322-square-metre Wire World park, to be builtin Meydan district alongside the racecourse, will challenge visitors with 70obstacles, zip lines and rope swings set across trees and rocks.Melissa Lowry, an Abu Dhabi-based personal trainer, said such an attraction wasideal for encouraging people to be more active, particularly in the outdoors."These types of parks are great, especially in the UAE because a lot of expatriatesare really active,” said the outdoor sports enthusiast."There's definitely a market for it here. I don't have the luxury of doing these thingseven in Texas. So it seems like its more accessible and affordable here, which is whyI always try to take advantage of those opportunities.”Ms Lowry added such facilities were needed to give people an alternative tospending their free time "just going to eat or shopping”."I love the idea of being an adult and being able to participate in these things. "In this way it's a physical and mental achievement. It's definitely appealing forpeople who come to visit when there are these things to do here.”The park will add to Dubai's growing list of adventure sport attractions, such asSkyDive Dubai, Ski Dubai and the Al Qudra desert cycle path."It sounds amazing,” said Dubai-based Laura Coughlin. The 28-year-old has takenpart in several local outdoor sporting events, such as the Wadi Adventure Race in Al Ain and triathlons."Skydive Dubai has just added outdoor monkey bars and people are going thererather than just going to the gym. So my guess is that something similar willhappen with this park."I already go to the bike track at Meydan,” Ms Coughlin said. "It's a really nice trackand it's a really nice community of people who go down there."The problem is there's nothing else there so it will be a nice draw if there's otheroutdoor adventure stuff to do.”As the park develops, a bike track will be added, complete with an obstacle courseand a bungee trampoline, along with kite and surfboard facilities.It is scheduled to open in the last quarter of 2014.Danny Haddad, chief executive officer and partner of WL Hospitality Group, thepark's Dubai-based developer, said it will be "the largest of its kind in the world”."We feel the park, due to its size, varied offerings and green credentials, is unique tothe region and offers something that has never been experienced here before.”Sustainability is at the heart of the park's design, which is being created usingnatural materials, including wood and stone with special attention paid to thenatural environment."Our goal at this park, and at future parks, is without doubt the promotion ofnatural outdoor sports in a secure and sustainable environment,” said Yanal Abaza,head of business development, sports and leisure for Meydan Group.  Source: The National