Infinite Safari Adventures, the African Safari and kayak specialist, is overjoyed to accept the Tanzania Tourist Board’s (TTB) Product Development Award. The award honors Infinite Safari’s unique kayaking opportunity and the development of an exclusive adventure off the Northern coast of Tanzania. The TTB Awards were created to show appreciation for travel professionals who create unique opportunities for tourists to travel to places not normally visited. Alan Feldstein, owner of Infinite Safari Adventures, has been traveling to Africa for over a decade. Among his own adventures of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and viewing extraordinary wildlife, Feldstein and his partner were the first people to ever kayak off the coast of Tanzania. “I am very proud of this special recognition,” says Feldstein. “More than 5 years ago I traveled to Africa with my young adult children who were about to embark on new adventures in their lives. It was during this safari that I paddled off the coast of Tanzania in a place few if any had ever paddled before. I knew then and there I wanted to share my passions with others. It was at that magical moment Infinite Safari Adventures was born.” Infinite Safari offers unique and amazing adventures. While many African Safaris normally last about 7-10 days, Infinite Safari offers the opportunity to combine a safari with a variety of adventure options including, kayaking, tracking chimps, tracking gorillas, viewing the great wildebeest migration hot-air ballooning or scuba diving in Zanzibar. “While an award is recognition of what one has done in the past, this rare honor inspires me to do more for my clients in the future,” says Feldstein. “I want to continue to share Africa, our unique kayak trips and our other adventures with so many more of you soon.” Source: PRWEB