Located in the Cairngorms region of Scotland, this two-day event annually attracts thousands of dog sledding enthusiasts to the northern region of the UK, where they bundle up to watch more than a thousand dogteams battle for dominance as they race in a circuit around Loch Morlich. For dog sledding fans, there are few events on a similar scale to this, making the Aviemore Sled Dog Rally one of the premier events in this type of sport. There are five sled-dog breeds that are welcome to compete in the event, giving spectators ample opportunity to admire not only Siberian and Greenland Huskies, but also Alaskan Malamutes, Canadian Eskimo Dogs, and Samoyeds. Meanwhile, the mushers, who drive the dog teams, hail from all over the UK. Dog teams participating in the event can vary in size from two to eight animals, attaining speeds that can reach as high as 20 miles per hour, following a trail in Glenmore Forest Park. As the course is just four miles long, some teams can traverse it in as little as 15 exciting minutes. Snow is certainly a welcome element at any dog sledding competition, and the annual Aviemore Sled Dog Rally is no exception. Those planning to attend can rest assured, however, that the event will continue as planned regardless of snowfall levels around Loch Morlich. Event organisers have cleverly arranged for the rally to be conducted using bicycle-like rigs with three wheels if it is not possible to use the traditional dog sledding equipment. To learn more about the event and the typical weather and driving conditions during January in Scotland, visit the website  www.siberianhuskyclub.com/aviemore.