Plans to make local authorities in Wales provide cycling and walking routes are being described as \"ground-breaking\" by a leading charity. Sustrans believes the proposed active travel bill would see many more people in Wales don their cycle clothing to make everyday journeys. The planned legislation will make it a legal requirement for local authorities to plan and deliver routes that link up schools, hospitals and shopping areas with traffic-free routes and cycle lanes. It follows a five-year campaign in Wales led by Sustrans and backed by all the main political parties. Malcolm Shepherd, chief executive of the charity, says the move by the Welsh government will help people get around more \"safely, cheaply and healthily\". He added: \"Walking and cycling are the answers to the UK\'s rocketing fuel bill and expanding waistline but getting around actively must be made safer and easier across the country.\" Sustrans recently said it will roll out its Personalised Travel Planning project, which helps people to make more of their short journeys on foot or by bike, to more areas of Wales after a successful trial.