British skiers have said they would back road-style policing on the slopes, including speed cameras, speed limit signs and breathalysers, according to a new study. Research published by More Than Travel Insurance found that 92 per cent of Britons favour the kind of safety measures employed in road safety such as ski patrols to cut down on speed, compulsory helmets and penalty points with fines. They believe the measures are necessary to reduce accidents and injuries caused by skiers going too fast - almost half (47 per cent) said ‘speed skiing’ is increasingly becoming an issue. Of those who took part in the poll, a third (33 per cent) said they were almost involved in an accident due to a fellow skier going too quickly while one in five (21 per cent) confessed to skiing too fast themselves and risking injury. Over a quarter of those surveyed - 30 per cent - said they believed ski culture is becoming ‘more aggressive and selfish’. Alcohol was blamed as the biggest cause of dangerous speed skiing (37 per cent), the study found, followed by a general lack of awareness of the dangers (36 per cent). Irresponsible young skiers and new GPS technology, which enables thrill seekers to record their top speeds were also named as reasons. Unsurprisngly, almost half of British skiers think helmets should be made compulsory although only 43 per cent said they wear them, citing discomfort, a preference to ‘feel the wind in my hair’ and vanity as the main factors. Matt Pernet, Head of More Than Travel Insurance, said: \'It’s perhaps surprising how many skiers would like to see motoring style deterrents, checks and punishments introduced on the piste. \'Aside from the potentially life changing consequences of dangerous skiing, if someone is responsible for an accident and has been drinking they won’t be covered on their insurance policy.\' He added: \'As with driving, the best form of prevention is to act responsibly and be aware of the potential risks and hazards. Although helmets may not be seen by all as a \"sexy\" option they could save your life in the event of a collision or fall.\'