The 7 Virtues fragrance collection made with natural essential oils from nations rebuilding is launching for the first time in the UK exclusively at Selfridges, London. The 7 Virtues fragrances became known when Founder & CEO Barb Stegemann appeared on the Canadian version of Dragons\' Den. The launch date of 21 September is in honour of United Nations International Day of Peace. Barb began The 7 Virtues because of a promise she made to a friend who was wounded while serving in the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan: \"I promised I would take on his mission of economic empowerment in Afghanistan while he healed. I buy the legal orange blossom and rose oils from the farmers in Afghanistan to support and encourage them to stop growing the illegal poppy crop and I make perfume with it\". The collection has grown to include fragrances for both men and women from Haiti and now The Middle East. The four eau de parfums include: Vetiver of Haiti, Middle East Peace, Afghanistan Orange Blossom and Noble Rose of Afghanistan. Each of the fragrances are made with natural essential oils and are paraben free, phthalate free and vegan.