Moisturise your precious skin and attain natural softness radiance with DermoViva USA Hydrate plus - Almond Harsh environmental conditions & Dry weather accelerate the rate of water loss from the skin, affecting its Natural Moisturising Factor. Due to this increased water loss, critical cellular development is impacted, thereby causing dry and damaged skin. In order for our skin to look and feel soft, smooth and healthy, it needs to retain essential moisture, a task that is quite tough due to the combination of adverse factors in the Middle East such as the harsh climate, environmental aspects and excessive usage of air conditioners among others which wreak havoc on skin making its upkeep a tough and on-going job. Regularly moisturizing the skin is therefore, a must; the need of the hour is a lightweight moisturiser that is packed with natural ingredients. Fulfilling this necessity, DermoViva USA has combined the power of natural ingredients, such as Almond, Honey, and Aloe Vera, with the science of skin care to bring you a range of hydration boosting creams and lotions that not only leaves your skin soft and supple, but also restores its Natural Moisturizing Factor, thereby ensuring cellular development. DermoViva USA Hydrate Plus with Almond is the ideal, natural solution for your precious skin, an effectual product that restores moisture.  An exceptional emollient that soothes and softens skin, the easily absorbed Almond contains high levels of unsaturated triglycerides that moisturise skin, resulting in soft and supple skin with absolutely no greasy after-feel.   Flaunting a plethora of properties owing to the high content of Vitamin E present, Almonds help protect your skin against harmful and toxic environmental factors. The high content of Amino and Fatty acids nourish and moisturise skin, ensuring that it remains healthy. Naturally hypo-allergenic and safe for sensitive skin, Almond is an excellent moisturizing component that carries out a large number of functions ranging from softening skin, relieving dryness and irritation, balancing and restoring skin’s moisture to lending softness and suppleness to the skin. Independently conducted research has shown that nearly 58% of women who use moisturizing lotions still feel their skin remain dry. Dermatologically tested and Halal approved, Dermoviva USA Lotions and creams make your skin almost five times softer in comparison to the most often used brand of moisturiser. While the weather and other factors may be out of your control, with DermoViva USA’s revolutionary collection, the maintenance of your skin definitely is not.  Let your skin feel absolutely soft & supple with the effectiveness of Dermoviva USA’s breakthrough range of Moisturisers, which are beyond doubt the idyllic blend of science & nature, providing the essential moisture & nourishment your skin needs.