Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell Paris – Marina Mensaf A number of special occasions and events occurred this week, which gave celebrities the perfect chance to show off. From Kate Moss’s wedding and Kate Middleton’s Canada trip, to Prince Albert of Monaco’s wedding to former Olympic

swimmer Charlene Wittstock, Naomi Campbell’s presence was uniquely felt. Campbell was the most beautiful out of models and film stars at the wedding of Prince Albert of Monaco. For ceremony, Campbell looked fabulous in an Alexander McQueen dress; however at the wedding dinner reception Naomi added some of her magical touches and turned up in a Givenchy dress, from the 2009 Fall Hot Couture collection. The dress was not only special because of its white to beige coloring, but because of its daring design. From the front, the dress was sexy and beautiful with beautiful green emeralds sewn into it. She wore emerald earrings to match. Naomi is a spokesperson for Givenchy. She recently filmed a television spot for their latest Fall 2011 collection.