Indian Bollywood actress Twinkle Khanna

Typical of her acerbic sense of humour and wit, actress Twinkle Khanna on Wednesday shut a troll down in style.

An account by the name of IndiaExplained Khanna’s articles as “progressive fluff pieces” while criticising her husband Akshay Kumar’s photo with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Kind of cute how Twinkle Khanna writes ‘progressive’ fluff pieces in ToI [Times of India] while Akshayji dances with Pogrom Modi. Indian elites in nutshell (sic),” the post read.

Khanna called the account out for being regressive by assuming that she would share her husband’s ideology.

“Better than a regressive tweet like this that calls ‘progressive’ pieces fluff and believes that marriage means sharing the same ideologies,” she replied on Twitter.

source: GULF NEWS