Weather forecast: Partly cloudy, rise in temperature
Sunday's weather in Lebanon is partly cloudy

Sunday's weather in Lebanon is partly cloudy with slight rise in temperature, according to the Meteorology Department at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport. 
There will be some drizzles and fog formation over the mountainous ranges in the early morning. 
General Status: Spring weather dominates over the Mediterranean Eastern Basin. 
-Temperature: On the coastline 23 degrees Celsius high to 14 degrees Celsius low 
Over the mountainous ranges: 18 degrees Celsius high to 8 degree Celsius low
In the Interior range: 20 degrees Celsius high to 9 degrees Celsius low 
At Al- Arz : 13 degrees Celsius high to 3 degrees Celsius low 
- Surface wind: southern-western, gusting between 10 and 35 Km/hr. 
- Visibility: Good, worsens every now and then at night over the mountainous ranges due to fog formation. 
- Humidity on the coastline: between 50% and 75%. 
- Sea : Calm, temperature 19 degrees Celsius. 
- Atmospheric Pressure: 764 mm Hg 
- Sunrise: 06:07 Sunset: 19:09 

Source: NNA