Weather forecast

Wednesday's weather in Lebanon is partly cloudy to cloudy with drizzles, thunderstorms, no change in temperature and snow over 1100 m, according to the forecast of the meteorology department at Rafik Hariri International Airport. 


Coastal temperatures: 9 to 16 degrees Celsius. 

Mountain-range temperatures: 1 to 8 degrees Celsius. 

Arz temperatures: -3 to 3 degrees Celsius. 

At Al-Bekaa temperatures: 3 to 8 degrees Celsius. 

Surface winds: Southern-western gusting between 10 and 35 km/hr 

Visibility: Medium. 

Coastal humidity: 60% to 85%. 

Sea: Moderate waves. Surface temperature 18 degrees Celsius. 

Atmospheric Pressure: 770 mm Hg 

Sunrise: 06:43 a.m. 

Sunset: 16:41 p.m.

Source :NNA