Tuesday's Weather in lebanon

Tuesday's weather in Lebanon is expected to be cloudy and windy with scattered showers and snow falls at 1100m above sea level, according to a report issued by the Meteorology Department at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport. 



On the coastline 9 to 16 degrees Celsius 


On the mountain range: 2 to 10 degrees Celsius 


In the Interior range: 4 to 11 degrees Celsius 


In Al-Arz: 4 to 11 degrees Celsius 


- Surface winds: South-westerly, gusting between 10 to 35Km/hr, intensifies every now and then to reach 65km/hr. 


- Visibility: Medium worsens in the mountains. 


- Humidity: between 60% and 85%. 


- Sea : Wavy with surface temperature registering at 18 degrees Celsius. 


- Sunrise: 06:43 Sunset: 16:40
