Weather in Jordan.

A tangible drop in temperatures is forecast Friday with cold and hazy conditions bringing showers every now and then, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) daily brief said.

Meteorologists also warned of a depression that is predicted to bring heavy thundery downpours at times, with a risk of developing flashfloods in low-lying areas, including Jordan's only coastal city, Aqaba.

As we head into Saturday, similar conditions are expected to continue, but the chance of rain will weaken in the evening hours and night.

Maximum temperatures in Amman for today will reach a high of 13 degrees Celsius and a low of 8. Mercury levels in the northern region will record a high of 14 degrees Celsius, dropping down to 7 degrees, while in the port city of Aqaba, thermometers will stand at 24 degrees Celsius, sliding to 17 degrees at night