EBS, the leading full-service provider of EPG data

EBS, the leading full-service provider of EPG data for platforms and channels worldwide, has announced that it is has been contracted by ITV Choice to supply EPG data listings to platforms in Africa and Asia.  Part of ITV, the UK’s largest commercial broadcaster, ITV Choice is the home of big British entertainment, packed full of award-winning drama, brilliant gameshows, star-filled entertainment and inspiring documentaries, available throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa, reaching over 100 countries.
Using its unique multi-platform, multi-territory, scalable software solution, Pawa, EBS takes all the scheduling information for ITV Choice and restructures it to meet the requirements of the individual platforms. This fully integrated data workflow provides the channel with a write-once-publish-many capability.
As well as the EPG data, EBS is also providing ITV Choice with high-quality programme images that reflect the expectations of today’s viewers across multiple channels and platforms. EBS’ image team ensures that images are rights-approved for appropriate territories enabling ITV Choice to maintain editorial control with images associated with its brand.
Keith Bedford, Managing Director, EBS adds: “Whether content is discovered via a recommendation engine, onscreen guide or simple search, quality programme information is crucial. ITV Choice is a major addition to the television schedule in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and we’re very pleased to have been selected to provide multi-platform, EPG data services.”