The first television drama for Lebanese singer Haifa Wahbi “Mawlid Wa Sahibo Ghayeb” has witnessed a drastic turn of events in terms of production, direction and cast. News reports have it that the production of the drama was taken from the hands of producer Tareq Sayam and given to producers Mohammad Fawzi and Wael Abdallah. In addition, Sameh Abd Al Aziz was assigned to direct the drama after it was initially proposed for director Majdi Al Huwari. Problems for the drama began several weeks ago when the producing company ‘Arab Screen’ attempted to convince Haifa to postpone the project from being aired during the Ramadan season 2012 to a later date, due to the heavy volume of dramas being aired at one time. In addition, the company stated that it has two other projects to be aired during Ramdan, the first “Khutoot Hamra” (Red Lines) starring Egyptian actor Ahmad Al Sakka and the second “Kayed Nisa” (Women Vengeance) starring Egyptian belly dancer Fifi Abdo. According to the internet website, Haifa strongly refused to accept the producing company’s proposal to postpone the drama, stressing that it is critical to air the drama during Ramadan. The singer stressed that during Ramadan the drama will witness high volumes of viewers especially since it is the first drama she plays in. negotiations between Haifa and the company reached a dead-end and the company failed in convincing Haifa leading the singer to break her contract and return the down payment she was paid. Mohammad Fawzi revealed that the drama will undergo major alterations and will not come out as initially proposed. He stated that the cast will be changed in accordance to the new set budget and the script will also get it’s fair chance of alterations.