Dr. Shaikh Saqr bin Salman Al Khalifa

Dr. Shaikh Saqr bin Salman Al Khalifa the Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports for Associations and Youth Centres has visited Sanabis Youth Centre where he met the Centre’s Chairman Ahmed Al Khabbaz in the presence of the Director of Youth Centres Directorate, Nawar Abdullah Al Mattawa.
Dr. Shaikh Saqr was briefed about the Centere’s actual future needs to satisfy the requirements of youth programmes, especially summertime activities in view of the large participation of youth in this area. He was also briefed about the programmes and activities organized by the Centre’s Women Committee as well the positive interaction of young women in the area and their keenness on participation to development their skills and capabilities.
The assistant undersecretary reaffirmed the ministry’s keenness on boosting youth activities in the kingdom and boost the quality and quantity of programmes presented by the ministry for the youth sector to attract the largest number of youth participants. He added that the ministry currently focuses on promoting the youth activities in the youth centres according to the integrated strategic plan aimed to provide attractive environment for all youth. He also praised the role of the Centre’s Women Committee and its excellent programmes that enable the enhancement of young women’s talents and direct their energies in the pioneering manner, wishing the committee to continue its work and intensity its programmes provided to young women.
The chairman of Sanabis Youth Centre praised the minister’s continuous support to the Centre, lauding the ministry’s considerable role in supporting the youth centres and its keenness on paving ideal environments for the youth centres to carry out their duty towards the Bahraini youths, affirming the centere’s keenness on cooperation and continuous communication with the ministry to upgrade the level of centre and its programmes.
