Qatar's permanent delegation to the U.N. Office in Geneva

Qatar's permanent delegation to the U.N. Office in Geneva participated in their capacity as the co-chair of the Group of Friends of Sport for Development and Peace in the office's fourth celebration of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace at the U.N. Palace of Nations in Geneva by taking part in the opening ceremony of the photography exhibition that the office organized under the theme "We Play together." Michael Moller, the director general of the United Nations Office at Geneva, opened the exhibition that featured a carefully chosen collection of photos for U.N. offices and other key sports institutions that highlight the power of sport as a tool for enhancing peace, unity and integration.
Noor Ibrahim Al Sada, second secretary at Qatar's permanent mission to the U.N. Office in Geneva, addressed the opening ceremony on behalf of member states of the Group of Friends of Sport for Development and Peace, welcoming the efforts of several U.N. agencies in using the power of sport to enhance peace, justice and development.
She also pointed to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's launching of a universal program to implement the Doha Declaration, which recognizes the capacity of sport in supporting health development for young people and relies on sport as a means to limit anti-social behavior. She also called on all U.N. member states to back the global efforts of the United Nations to create a world full of peace and prosperity.
The permanent delegation organized a reception ceremony in which it invited all participants from the representatives of permanent delegations and international organizations and international sports institutions after the end of the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
The Group of Friends of Sport for Development and Peace was created in December 2012 by Qatar's permanent delegation in Geneva in collaboration with Costa Rica's permanent delegation. The group proposes activities and decisions under the umbrella of the U.N. in Geneva in cooperation with the office of the secretary general's special advisor on sport for development and peace, and a number of permanent delegations to the U.N. Office in Geneva.
Qatar's permanent delegation had organized the first celebration of International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 4, 2014 in cooperation with Costa Rica's permanent delegation as they co-chaired the Group of Friends of Sport for Development and Peace.

Source: QNA