Vancouver Canucks defenseman Troy Stecher has been diagnosed with mumps

The Vancouver Canucks said Friday that defenseman Troy Stecher was diagnosed with mumps and several other NHL players have shown symptoms of the virus.

The players with symptoms are undergoing tests and quarantined in isolation for a five-day period from the onset of symptoms.

"We're taking this very seriously given how easily mumps can spread," said Canucks general manager Jim Benning.

"At this point, Troy Stecher is the only player with a confirmed test result. Chris Tanev, Nikita Tryamkin, Mike Chaput and Markus Granlund have each presented symptoms.

"We'll continue to follow all protocols in accordance with (health) guidelines in order to prevent further infection."

In 2014, nine NHL players were diagnosed with the mumps, but there have been no cases since until Friday's discovery.

Mumps is a virus that causes swollen and tender glands, particularly the salivary gland. It also causes flu-like symptoms such as fever and body aches.

source: AFP