The coastline of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

Picture the scene: A pristine white beach, crystal-clear waters with a yacht or two bobbing in the middle distance.

The days are filled with exploring a rich landscape filled with natural and archaeological wonders or relaxing in complete tranquility, the evenings spent savoring the finest foods and artistic entertainment, and all set against a backdrop of spectacular scenery.

Where is this paradise on earth? South Africa, perhaps? Or somewhere in the South Seas?

Wrong and wrong. It is in fact somewhere far closer to home. Amaala is the name of what is promised to be the ultimate ultra-luxe tourism destination. It is on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia and, if all goes to plan, in just two years’ time it will begin welcoming guests from all over the world.

In 2019, building is set to begin on turning a stretch of undeveloped coastline in the northwest of Saudi Arabia into the “Riviera of the Middle East.”


Unveiled this week, Amaala is the latest project aimed at creating a fully-fledged tourism industry in Saudi Arabia. Funded initially by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia, it is certainly ambitious, promising to cater to all tastes and desires with bespoke holidays. Adventure, culture, history, sports, relaxation, shopping — Amaala will have them all, with a special focus on “wellness, healthy living and meditation,” as well as its own dedicated airport for “seamless” transfers.

“Amaala will awaken the world’s imagination by rephrasing the current concept of the luxury tourism experience,” said Nicholas Naples, the newly appointed CEO, who will lead development and operations. “Our concept will provide a rich service offering that exceeds customers’ expectations by providing a comprehensive suite of services not commonly found in one location, that is unique by all measures.”

More specifically, that means “extraordinary architecture” in both the hotels on site offering 2,500 rooms and the private villas and apartments that will be available for purchase.

Galleries, atelier workshops and an art academy will showcase the work of young artists and artisans from Saudi Arabia and the wider Gulf region. There will be a marina for year-round mooring for yachts and other vessels offering “boutique luxury cruises” and diving trips to coral reefs which, unlike many others in the world, are still undamaged.

And for those who simply want to recharge, there will be a wellness retreat with full medical facilities.

Amaala will also host cultural events and conferences. The top priority throughout will be care for the natural environment.

From: Arabnews