A Turkey-backed umbrella group for Syrian.

A Turkey-backed umbrella group for Syrian rebels says it has begun implementing a deal reached between Russia and Turkey to demilitarize the front lines between the opposition and Syrian government forces in the northern Idlib province.
Naji Al-Mustafa, spokesman for the 15-member National Front for Liberation, says Sunday the groups are unanimous in implementing the deal reached last month and expect to demilitarize 15-20 kilometers (9-12 miles) along the front lines by Oct. 15.
He says Turkish troops have reinforced the areas to monitor violations. Al-Mustafa says opposition forces began pulling their heavy weaponry back a day earlier and will keep their forward bases and light and medium weapons in place.
The largest armed group in Idlib, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, has not said whether it will comply with the deal.

From: Arabnews