Egyptian tour guide Yasmine Refaat

Egyptian tour guide Yasmine Refaat said that end of summer tourism enjoys high popularity among the Arab and European tourists who turn to visit Latin American countries. She underlined the importance of beaches in these countries. she pointed out that the Latin American countries are now holding a series of maritime competitions for all visitors to attract them to its shores and from these countries Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, pointing out that among the competitions water ball, water skiing, swimming, fishing and endurance competitions on the beaches, including jump in water. she added that the beaches in some Arab countries like Tunisia, are flourishing, youth games and summer concerts are held, and in Morocco, as in Egypt, this tourism flourished, especially with the development of coastal beaches. Alexandria and Marsa Matruh. She explained that there is a group of beaches have been developed so much that the visitor or tourist finds all the services needed on the beach there is a place for children's swimming, cafe and commercial markets and the sale of clothes and exercise water games in large sea without out of customs and traditions. She stressed that a group of countries also increased the coastal services such as South Africa, which entrusted more than a tourist company to promote its beaches, and Marwa expressed her pleasure in the return of tourism and human intelligence that he benefits from the natural granted by God to these countries to introduce happiness and benefit to all tourists.