Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab on Sunday said the government is working to support tourism in the country.

During a ceremony in Luxor aiming at promoting tourism, Mahlab added that Egypt will restore its global tourism position.

He added that concerned ministries were tasked to provide promotional programs to boost domestic tourism in Luxor and Aswan in conjunction with the approach of the Greater Bairam (Eid al Adha).

An initiative was launched to support the domestic tourism in Luxor and Aswan during the summer holidays through joint cooperation between EgyptAir, Karnak and Misr Travel companies, the ministries of culture, antiquities, aviation, transport and tourism, the Chamber of Hotels, the Tourism Promotion Authority and a number of hotels and floating hotels in the two cities.

The initiative also includes an exemption for Egyptians from entry fees at all archaeological sites in Luxor and Aswan until the end of September.
Source: MENA