Egyptian singer Shireen Abd Al Wahab has succeeded in losing most of the excess weight she had gained during her last pregnancy and returned to her normal shape. Shireen had recently taken part in the Moroccan talent show “Studio Duzeem” and appeared in a new look with evident weight loss. At the show, Shireen wore a black dress that showed her figure returning to its normal size, from before the pregnancy. She sang a collection of her most popular hits at the event. Shireen had made it a point to return to her normal size in order to begin filming music videos for songs from her new album, which she is currently recording the remaining songs for. Shireen had halted recording the songs for the album when the Egyptian January 25 Revolution that overthrew the government of President Husni Mubarak, and once conditions began stabilizing, she resumed work on the album. In recent interviews Shireen held she had repeatedly stated that she was on a constant battle with herself to lose the excess weight she gained from being pregnant. Shireen had said she hated going on diets simply because they stress her out and at the same time stressed that she is against having a liposuction operation and would rather lose the weight naturally.