Artist Hani Salameh said that he is prepared to work alongside the Muslim Brotherhood if they were to offer him a role that he could play in a film after they’ve entered the productions field. He added that he would deal with the offer professionally and will either accept or decline it depending on how much he likes the role because at the end of the day he is an actor. Salameh did however reject the idea of an Islamist state confirming that he is happy with a civil society especially after some of the comments that were said by some Islamists before the revolution which called for the imposition of poll tax on Christians and prohibiting tourists from sitting on beaches which he disagrees with saying that “Egypt is not Saudi Arabis.” At the same time he noted that the censorship was in turn a technical control from the point of view but he felt they were not separate from the regime, as all sectors  and the state had the power to ban and leave. He spoke in regards to his film that was rejected by the Muslim Control which was named “Wahad Saheeh” and explained that the reason it was rejected because the film had a Christian character which converts to Islam, but that after sitting with the official who rejected the idea and explaining the idea to him, he was allowed to go ahead with filming. He added that he believes that adding scenes from the revolution to the movie is considered as “business” as the revolution is not over yet and they should wait for it to be over and for things to take place and demands to be met until they put them in their films.