Reham Hagag participates again with Amr Saad
Actress Reham Hagag

Egyptian actress Reham Hagag participates in “Security Position” TV drama show, scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan, with the Egyptian superstar Amr Saad. It is the second time for her to participate with Saad in a TV series, as she participated with him in “Fedda’s Son” presented during the previous season. The actress denied what was published over her participation in “Curse” TV drama show, saying that she is still in the negotiations phase with the producing company. She expressed her pleasure for participating with Saad, saying that we formed romantic dual. She stressed her optimism over the new series, refusing to give any details about it upon orders from the producing company. She expressed her pleasure of the reactions to her new films, including “The Monkey Talks” and “The Preacher”, stressing her appreciation to the fans who are always keen to support her steps and to push her forward in her career