Syrian actress Rana Al Abyad talked about her ex-husband and said that she never considered returning to him after getting the divorce several years ago and is not thinking of ever getting involved with anyone ever again. Rana justified not getting married again merely due to the fact that she has not found the man that has all the characteristics she is looking for in a partner and makes her feel safe and loved. She stressed that she wants a man who is courageous and acts like a real man and make her feel protected and wanted, someone who is unique and smart and until now she has not found that special someone and doubts she will. with regards to her career, Rana just completed filming all her scenes for the new television drama “Al Wiladah min al Khasirah” (Birth from the waist) that is directed by Rasha Sharbatji and written by Samer Radwan. The drama is scheduled to be aired during the upcoming Ramadan season.