Lebanese singer Pascal Masha’alani has revealed that she broke out in tears of joy when she discovered that she is pregnant with a baby boy. Pascal said she decided to name her unborn son ‘Elie’ and has already begun preparing his nursery. Pascal stated that neither she nor her husband cared what the sex of their baby, but when she was told it’s a boy tears began pouring down her face. With regards to choosing to name her song ‘Elie’, Pascal said that ever since she was young she loved the name, in addition to the fact that it is the name of her brother and a number of relatives. The singer said she began buying baby cloths and preparing the nursery from the moment she found out the sex. Pascal added that she is currently preparing a new song dedicated especially to her first born. She said that she is a singer and her husband a composer and the least they can do is for their baby is present him with a song.