Nadine Al Rassi, the talented Lebanese actress, will be playing the role of Lily in “The mistake of my life.” Lilly is a young woman who decides to break up with the love of her life due to tragic family pressures, where she ends up forming several relationships with men for money in order to support her family. The role is very bold, and Nadine made sure that she presented and portrayed it in a meaningful and deep way to clearly show the suffering of a woman who chose self-destruction over providing the basics of life to her family. Furthermore, Nadine said that playing Lilly was a new challenge in her acting career, especially that it brought to light one of the mostly widespread problems in our society, and explained that what encouraged her to play the role most was the way it solved the issue in a humanitarian manner. “The mistake of my life” was written by Claudia Marchillian and directed by Phillip Asmar. It will be broadcast on MTV every Wednesday at 8:00pm starting from the 28th September.