Actress Jennifer Hudson has revealed how she learnt to elbow her way into the spotlight, after promoting Dreamgirls with Beyonce and Eddie Murphy taught her how to make herself the centre of attention in Hollywood. Hudson, who found fleeting fame after finishing in seventh place in the third season of American Idol, made her big screen debut in the 2006 film, alongside Beyonce, Foxx and funnyman Eddie Murphy. And the 29-year-old, who played singer Effie White, admits that initially she hid behind the movie A-listers, but began to appreciate being in the spotlight as Hollywood began to sit up and take notice. “I was like, \'I can hide behind these people, nobody\'s paying attention to little old me back here’,” revealed Jennifer. “Then once we finished the film and started getting the buzz and everyone started talking about Jennifer, I\'m like \'Oh my God, everyone\'s looking at me, the pressure\'...” Adding, \"That\'s where American Idol came in. I felt like I learned a lesson from Idol where I let different things intimidate me from being on the show, so I knew by the time I got to my second chance, which was Dreamgirls, I was like, \'I\'m not letting anyone interrupt my thing or discourage me.\' I love Beyonce and I love Jamie but they got to move out my way and let me do my thing because this is my chance, right here. And I took it and ran with it.\" From : Gulf News