Actor Jamal Suliman has been blacklisted along with various other artists. He has been accused of being against the revolution in Syria, but says that he is “misunderstood”.  The actor refused to comment on the current events taking place in Syria and stated: “People analyze things of their own accord, they misunderstand me.” He spoke about his upcoming role in a new drama called “The Back Streets”, which is about the revolution in Syria. He plays the role of Shukri Abdelal, who is a father, and National Police Officer who was made redundant by the government for refusing to shoot at protestors. He said: “Abdelal becomes an unemployed man in his forties, living alone with his two daughters Sameera and Durayya. He is depressed as his son died during one of the protests, and his wife died shortly after. Shukri is someone who loves to have a role in society, and to serve its people; he is seen as a hero where he lives and that is his only consolation.” He added: “Things change when he is asked to go back into service, and the way people look at him changes.  He lives a real dilemma until people realize that to Shukri serving his country always comes first.” The roles of his daughters in the drama are played by Maryam Hassan and Mayar El-Ghity.