Actor Mohamed Hinidi has denied rumors that he is preparing to create a sequel to the TV series “Ramadan Mabrook Abu Al Alamein” to be released next Ramadan. Hinidi expressed happiness about the success of the series, which surpassed all expectations. On these grounds he has decided to not do a series next Ramadan. The actor will be solely working on films as he has received a number of scripts that will look at after he returned from a holiday; a gift to himself for his hard work on the series. Production has been postponed for the upcoming film “Amazing Grandma” as a result of the Egyptian revolution. It was was due to to begin filming at the end of January, but should begin in the next few weeks. Hinidi will co-star with Samiha Ayoub. Critics have agreed that Hinidi’s popularity has decreased since appearing in “Ramadan Mabrook Abu Al Alamein”, as viewers disliked the television franchise of the highly-acclaimed film.