Egyptian prominent belly dancer Fifi Abdoh has stated that she does not intend on writing her memoires and career journey to use in the film she is writing about hereself fearing the same tragic fate as the late Egyptian diva Suad Husni, who was allegedly assassinated for writing her autobiography and revealing secrets about political figures.. Fifi said that she will not write her memoires as was rumored, but she is preparing on writing a script for a new film about her life story. She added that all the details are already arranged in her mind and she will publicly announce when she has completed the script. The dancer stated that the film will not revolve around her life as a dancer because she fears of being thrown from a high rise building in London as was the case with Suad Husni. With regards to the cast she intends on including in the film, Fifi revealed that her eldest daughter will be playing her in her younger years due to the strong resemblance between the two. She added that she is trying to convince her other daughter to take part in the film to make it more original and she will be filming the scenes in the actual places events took place.