Egyptian Actress Dina has begun filming the first scenes of her upcoming film, “Al Haram Street.” The film is about a dancer called “Aziza”, played by Dina, who is forced to start stealing with her colleague “Altabbal,” played by Folklore singer Saad Al Soghayar, due to financial issues. The film was written by Sayyed Alsabaki and directed by Mohamed Alshura, his first directing job. Also starring in the film are Madeleine Tabar, Maha Ahmed and Lutfi Labeeb. The lead role was originally given to Somaya El Khashab, who apologized for declining it even after fully preparing for the character with suitable clothes and accessories. Her apology came after asking the writer to change several details regarding her character and even requesting different roles for some of the other characters. For example, she requested that Saad Al Soghayar’s character ( Albattal in the film) play the role of a bus driver instead. Alsabaki refused to listen to Somaya’s demands and did not respond well to her interference in his work.  After Khashab declined the role, actress Jumana Murad came on board. Murad also refused the part, claiming that the character would not work well with the new intellect, mentality and culture of the audiences after the events of the revolution. She then offered the role to actress Rania Yousef, who declined the part because she was busy filming her own part in the film “An ant’s shout.” The role was finally offered to Dina who immediately accepted it.