Artist Suzanne Najm Al Din

Lebanese Festival for Cinema and Television honored Syrian artist Suzanne Najm Al Din for her role in film “I, You, Mother and Father” directed by Abdel Latif Abdel Hamid. She performed a role of Syrian woman called Saffaa who separates from her husband due to their sectarian difference.

The film received notable success, as it managed to reflect the current situation in Syria since the beginning of the conflict. The festival decided to honor the Syrian actress due to her strong performance during the movie and her works that positively affected Arab drama and cinema.

On her hand, the Syrian artist appreciated the festival and its administration in addition to the director of her film, dedicating the award Jerusalem and her sons who left the country to escape from the war.

The honoring of the Syrian artist coincided with the presentation of her new series “Shoq” on a satellite channel. The Syrian artist managed to attract the viewers during the first episodes of the new drama show.