Egyptian actor Ahmad Izz has announced that he will be starring a new drama to be aired during the Ramadan season of 2012 exclusively on the satellite channel CBC. Ahmad is scheduled to film the scenes for the new drama in February after completing filming the scenes for his two upcoming films “Al Maslaha” (The Job) and “Hilm Aziz” (Aziz’s dream), which are scheduled to be screened during the summer of 2012. According to the London based Elaph, Ahmad signed a contract with the channel CBC, but has not yet chose a story for the drama he will star in. A number of scripts have presented to the actor and he has not yet made a decision on which to chose for the drama. Ahmad’s drama will be the second exclusive drama the channel buys after obtaining to exclusively air the new drama for Egyptian actress Ghada Abd Al Razik titled “Hikayet Hayat” (A Life Story), which is also scheduled to be aired during the Ramadan season of 2012. The first drama Ahmad acted in was “Al Adham” back in 2009 alongside Lebanese actress Sireen Abd Al Nour.