National Symphonic Orchestra, directed by Russian maestro Guerassim Voronkov, including pianist Louiza Hamadi, held Thursday evening a concert in Algiers. The concert programme included two pieces by great composer Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski. The major piece and the favourite work of Tchaikovski, namely "Piano Concerto no. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23," was the first to be performed at the concert, held at Mahieddine Bachtarzi National Theatre. Performed in three movements, the first part of the musical evening provided an opportunity to Louiza Hamadi to show her talent and skill with a piece considered as difficult in world's major music schools. "I'm very happy to be here in Algiers and to play before such a great audience," Hamadi told a crowd of admirers, at the end of the performance.