India's favourite film star Amitabh Bachchan was preparing for a medical scan Tuesday after suffering from "horrendous" pain less than two months after undergoing abdominal surgery. The 69-year-old Bollywood legend said on his blog that he had been struck down on Sunday night. "I rose from my desk to get to bed, but excruciating pain, stopped me in my tracks and I found it difficult to walk to stand to sit to lie down. Quite horrendous!" he wrote. "This was not there post operation even ... so what really is the reason for it two months down the line? I have no answer. But tomorrow (Tuesday) there should be one as I prepare for a CT Scan." Bachchan, who still acts in several films every year, was discharged from a Mumbai hospital late in February after undergoing surgery twice for an abdominal problem. The actor spent weeks in hospital in 2005 after bowel surgery, including one week in intensive care. He also nearly died following an accident on the set of the 1982 film "Coolie" where he ruptured his spleen during a fight scene. The Indian media and his legions of adoring fans closely monitor the health updates of Bachchan, known as the "The Big B" and treated like royalty in the movie-mad country. He has nearly 2.5 million Twitter followers. "Dearest tv media and vans outside my home, please do not stress and work so hard. Its nothing, just another visit to my doctor!!" he tweeted on Tuesday. Bachchan was the first Indian actor to feature at London's Madame Tussauds waxworks museum and was voted "actor of the millennium" in a BBC online poll in 1999.
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